From November 11 to 13, in San Francisco, the fourth meeting of the APEC BusinessAdvisory Council (ABAC) in 2023 was held. XUE Lan,Distinguished Professor of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, Dean otSchwarzman College, and Joint Chairperson of the ClDEG Academic Committee, and CHEN Ling, Director of CIDEG at TsinghuaJniversity, and tenured Associate Professor at the School of Public Policy and Management, attended the Sustainable Growth WorkingGroup meeting. During the meeting Professor XUE Lan presented his views on "Towards a Sustainable Future: The Role of Artihcianteligence and the Need of lmproving Governance." He had in-depth discussions on matters pertaining to artifhcial intelligencegovernance,including extermal laws and intermal compliance with Al technology, as well as how to improve coordination through agilegovernance, with members of the Asia-Pacifc business community.
Fourth Meeting ofthe APEC Business Advisory Council 2023