5月8日,全球公共政策研究院(GPPi)及其国际合作伙伴将在华盛顿的布鲁金斯学会召开第四轮全球治理前瞻-罗伯特·博世基金会多边对话会议(GGF 2027)。这次会议上,25名来自中国、德国、印度、日本和美国的青年学者将基于他们差异化的知识背景和才能,共同讨论全球治理面临的挑战。与会者将分为三个工作组:数据治理、全球健康和跨国恐怖主义,并针对每个话题领域准备他们“创建‘可能的未来’”的会议工作。
GPPi and its international partners are excited to launch the fourth round of the Global Governance Futures – Robert Bosch Foundation Multilateral Dialogues program (GGF 2027) at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC, on May 8. Over the next year, 25 young professionals from China, Germany, India, Japan and the US will come together for heated debates on the challenges facing global governance, bringing their diverse talents and backgrounds to the table. In DC, the fellows divided into three working groups (data governance, global health, transnational terrorism) and prepared for their eventual task of creating “possible futures” for each issue area.
GGF 2027系列会议将在2016-17年举办。来自中国、德国、印度、日本和美国的25名青年学者将组成三个工作组:数据治理、全球健康和跨国恐怖主义。他们将会参与四次对话会议,互相挑战,并与其他专家和政策制定者交换意见,并且建立全球治理的未来图景。
GGF 2027 will take place over the course of 2016 and 2017. The 25 fellows – five each from China, Germany, India, Japan and the US – will form three working groups focusing on data governance, global health and transnational terrorism. The fellows will meet in four dialogue sessions, where they will have the opportunity to challenge each other, exchange ideas with experts and policymakers, and develop scenarios of the future of global governance.
Session Dates
Washington, DC — May 8–12, 2016
Tokyo & Beijing — September 18–24, 2016
New Delhi — January 15–19, 2017
Berlin — June 11–15, 2017
GGF 2027系列会议日程:http://www.ggfutures.net/current-fellows/
For more information:
GGF website: http://www.ggfutures.net/home-ggf/
Session Dates and fellows of GGF 2027: http://www.ggfutures.net/current-fellows/