本届投稿论文涉及的期刊包括:《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学(季刊)》、《中国工业经济》、《科学学研究》、American Economic Journal: Applied Economics、Economic Journal、Journal of Intenational Economis、Journal of Environmental Economics and Management、Journal of Development Economics、 Journal of Politics、Journal of Political Economy、Energy Economics、World Development 等国内外顶级学术期刊。
● There Will Be Killing: Collectivization and Death of Draft Animals
奖项投稿人:陈硕 复旦大学经济学院
投稿期刊:American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
● Agricultural Reforms and production in China:Changes in Provincial Production Function and Productivity in 1978-2015
奖项投稿人:龚斌磊 浙江大学公共管理学院
投稿期刊:Journal of Development Economics
●Countering Capture: Elite Networks and Government Responsiveness in China’s Land Market Reform
奖项投稿人:曾渝 北京大学政管学院
投稿期刊:Journal of Politics
● State Ownership and Regulatory Costs: A Law and Economic Explanation for the Prevalence of State-Owned Enterprises in China
奖项投稿人:曾思 香港中文大学法学院
投稿期刊:Columbia Journal of Asian Law
● Toward a Unified Theory of Economic Reforms
奖项投稿人:沈煌南 伦敦大学亚非学院经济系
投稿期刊:Structural Change and Economic Dynamics
● Competition-Driven Career Concerns, Multi-task Assignments and Heterogeneous Bureaucrats: Theory and Evidence
奖项投稿人:徐晓书 上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院
投稿期刊:Journal of Political Economy
● Trade Liberalization and Domestic Vertical Integration : Evidence from China
奖项投稿人:占超群 中山大学岭南学院
合作作者:刘青、Larry D. Qiu
投稿期刊:Journal of Intenational Economics