“第二届青木昌彦经济学论文奖”提名奖获得者、浙江大学公共管理学院长聘副教授、浙江大学中国农村发展研究院研究员龚斌磊与国际效率与生产率分析学会(ISEAPA)创始主席、美国莱斯大学经济系Reginald Henry Hargrove讲席教授Robin Sickles合作论文“Resource Allocation in Multi-divisional Multi-product Firms (多部门多产品企业的资源配置)”发表于生产率研究领域权威期刊Journal of Productivity Analysis (《生产率分析杂志》)。
本文研究多部门多产品企业在部门和产品层面的生产特征,基于利润最大化原则,估计企业内部资源配置情况。这项研究主要基于De Loecker et al. (2016),以及Olley and Pakes (1996)、Levinsohn and Petrin (2003)、Ackerberg et al. (2015)等研究(OP/LP/ACF)进行理论拓展,放松了“单部门/产品企业与多部门/产品企业的对应部门/产品具有相同生产函数”的关键假设。在放松该假设和恒定投入组合假设的情况下,本文构建计量模型同时估计企业内部资源在部门/产品层面配置情况以及部门/产品层面的生产函数。最后,本文应用上述方法估计了全球油服企业部门层面的资源配置与生产率情况,为更好地理解企业的投资、撤资以及并购重组行为提供实证工具与学理支撑。
This paper is concerned with specifying and estimating the productive characteristics of multidivisional multiproduct companies at the divisional level. In order to accomplish this, we augment division-level information with inputs that are imputed based on profit-maximizing allocations within each division. This study builds on work by De Loecker et al. (2016) as well as Olley and Pakes (1996), Levinsohn and Petrin (2003) and Ackerberg et al. (2015), and extends this work by lifting a key assumption that single- and multi-product/division firms have the same production technique for the same product/segment. We estimate the production function and impute input allocations simultaneously in the absence of this key assumption as well as the constant share constraint of the input portfolio. Finally, our approach is applied to estimate the division-specific productivity of firms that compete in five segments of the global oilfield market to better understand the motivation of firms’ investment, divestment, mergers and acquisitions (M&A).
Gong, B., Sickles, R.C. Resource allocation in multi-divisional multi-product firms. Journal Productivity Analysis (2021).