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CIDEG Academic Salon 149 | The Policy Innovations of China’s Environmental Information DisclosureRelease time: 2017-11-16


    On Nov 15, No. 149 CIDEG Academic Salon was held in Room 302, School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM) at Tsinghua University. GUAN Ting, Post-doctor of CIDEG, gave a keynote speech on “The Policy Innovations of China’s Environmental Information Disclosure and Its Inspiration for the Execution of SDGs.” WANG Hua, Dean and Professor of School of Environment, Renmin University, and TANG Xiao, Assistant Researcher of Institute for Contemporary China Studies, Tsinghua University, were invited to be commentators. ZHAO Jing, Researcher of CIDEG, moderated the Salon. ZHU Xufeng, Deputy Dean and Professor of SPPM, CHEN Ling, Associate Professor of SPPM, Deputy Director of CIDEG, representatives from IPE, and teachers and students from Tsinghua University and Renmin University jointly participated in the Salon.

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