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Symposium on "New Trends of Global Response to Climate Change after COP25Release time: 2019-12-20

On December 20, 2019, the Symposium on "New Trends of Global Response to Climate Change after COP25”  was held in Beijing.The following guests attended the meeting and delivered keynote speech respectively:  He Jiankun, Chairman of the CEMF Academic Committee, former executive vice president of Tsinghua  University; Wang Yi, member of CEMF academic committee, member of the standing committee of the  National People's Congress and vice president of Insititute of Science and Development. Chinese Academy  of Sciences; Zhou Dadi, member of CEMF academic committee, Researcher and former director of Energy  Research Institute National Development and Reform Committee; Duan Maosheng, deputy director and  researcher of Institute of Energy and Environmental Economics at Tsinghua University. Gao Xiang, deputy  director and associate research fellow of Department of International Policy Studies at National Center for  Climate Strategy.

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